Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Five things I learned about Leonardo da Vinci

  1. He designed a bike that would have worked if someone had built it. This was 300 years before an actual bike was built.
  2. He learned about the human body by dissecting dead bodies.
  3. He adopted a boy named Salai, which means rascal in Italian.
  4. He kept hundreds of notebooks filled with his drawings and ideas for his inventions. I like to keep notebooks too.
  5. He wrote in mirror writing that you have to put up to a mirror to read.


  1. Great facts Elizabeth. I didn't know that da Vinci had adopted a son. But what I would like to know is why did Leonardo do mirror writing? Do you know why?


  2. Here's another fact about Leo: he was left-handed. So Elizabeth, you and I have some things in common with Mr. da Vince: I am left-handed, and you keep notebooks, plus you're a rascal.


  3. Elizabeth, did you know Leonardo was a personal friend with Jimmy and Richard Serpe and that your mother use to work for Jimmy & Richard? Need proof? Well here's the link of their picture from their old website:

    Uncle Stephen
